Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Module 13: Reflection

Over the past couple of months, I would say my perceptions of evolution has changed. I obviously new evolution was real and there was evidence to back the theory up, but it was interesting to read and learn about the topic as a whole. The main thing that I have learned in this course is how to look at something and try to find an explanation of how it got from point A to point B. It was fun seeing how certain organisms evolved differently based off of a variety of factors. I also learned that coding is DEFINITELY not my strong suit. However, I enjoyed learning how to code some simpler things as well as using the code to interpret the data. I am taking away a whole boatload of information I learned as well as the passion of figuring out puzzles!

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Module 13: Reflection

Over the past couple of months, I would say my perceptions of evolution has  changed. I obviously new evolution was real and there was evide...