Sunday, August 29, 2021


Hello Everyone!

My name is Emmary Catlin. I am a junior here at Kansas State University majoring in Human Health Biology and minoring in History. I am from town in Kansas called Ottawa, which has just a little over 12, 000 people! After living in a rural area my whole life, I knew I wanted to have a career that I could do in a bigger city. Nothing is wrong with wanting to live in a small town, but I would just like a change in scenery. I get bored easily when I stay in the same place for too long :) I plan on going to graduate school to continue my education, (hopefully out of state). I am still deciding on what I want to do, as I am passionate about many areas in life such as public health, business, and helping others. Decisions, decisions!

I have actually been a biology major since freshman year, which is surprising for me as I am very indecisive and tend to change my mind a lot! However, the topic of Biology has always been a fascination of mine since my early years in high school when I first had a class in the subject. Getting to learn about life, whether that be plants, animals, bacteria, etc., is such a rewarding experience. The science is always changing, and new discoveries are coming out all the time, including in evolution! I have included a link below from the University of Birmingham that talks of a new evolutionary finding that was published just a few days ago about how plants could have evolved the ability to conserve water sooner than we thought (University of Birmingham). As evolution is most assuredly apparent, I can say that it relates to my life in a lot of ways. It has affected the food I eat, the pets I live with, and how my body fights off diseases everyday!

I hope that I take away some new skills from this class, as well as new knowledge. When I learned that we would be doing some coding in this class, I will admit that I was a little nervous. Technology has never been my strong suit, so it will be interesting to see how this goes for me. I do think it is a good skill to have, especially when applying to jobs, so I will weather the storm to the best of my ability.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to checking out everyone's intros!


University of Birmingham. "Plants evolved ability to actively control water-loss earlier than previously thought." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 August 2021. 



  1. Nice to meet you, Emmary! I can definitely relate to being indecisive about what passion to pursue. I felt the same way when I was deciding to go to graduate school, and I found it helped to just read about what people are doing in their graduate programs at other universities and make a list as you start figuring out what sounds cool. The best part is that you have a bunch of passions, so you won't go wrong!

    1. Thank you for your advice! I will have to do some reading!

  2. Hey Emmary! What drove you to pursue a minor in history? I also really appreciate the link you provided. Super fascinating!

    1. Hi Emily! I have always been super interested in learning about history, so I thought it would be fun to minor in! The classes are very different from my science heavy bio major, so that's a nice change.


Module 13: Reflection

Over the past couple of months, I would say my perceptions of evolution has  changed. I obviously new evolution was real and there was evide...