Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Module 1: Evolution: Fact or Theory?

Is evolution a fact or theory? In order to answer this question, I will define what evolution is. In my opinion, evolution occurs when an inheritable trait passes across generations. Evolution also cannot happen to an individual. For example, we as humans can't just randomly decide we want to grow a larger head. The large head trait would have to be favorable to have, and then throughout the generations, humans heads would then grow. Factors such as genetic drift, natural selection, and genetic mutation all can play a part in evolution, but just because these things happen, doesn't necessarily mean that evolution has occurred. Now that I have defined evolution, I think in order to answer this question, defining theory would also be beneficial. A theory is an explanation for something, usually backed from studies or evidence. An example of a theory would be the theory of gravity. I often get a "theory" and a "hypothesis" mixed up, so I have included a picture below to help distinguish between the two!

As you can see, the main difference between the two is that a theory is supported by evidence, while a hypothesis is not. I think it is safe to say that evolution started off as a hypothesis and then became a theory as more and more information was collected. I hope this helps!

Picture: (https://guides.library.unt.edu/PSCI3300/researchdesign)

After looking at these definitions, I would say that I believe evolution is a theory. We can't say it is a fact yet. I think this because it would be too hard to do so, as we know evolution has happened, but we don't know if all of the information we have on evolution is absolutely true. However, there have been studies done that have provided evidence to support evolution, so I think it would be right to say that it's a theory. To be a fact, we would have to be sure 100% about everything, (which we aren't). The study of evolution is ever changing as we are always learning new things about it!


  1. Hello, Emmary! I love that you gave a text definition, and provided images. I think it definitely gives insight to what your thought processes look like. I agree with you that evolution is a theory. It is something scientists have been able to create, observe, and provide data for, for a very long time. While we may be learning new things all the time, is it possible that the things we learned before could be facts? Since we knew all we could at the time?

    1. Hi Bailee! Thanks for your comment. I think that it is possible for some of the things we have learned to be facts. As you said, it is true and correct under what we know now. I guess facts can always be disproven, but for right now, with the evidence that we have, I think we can safely assume most facts that we have on evolution.


Module 13: Reflection

Over the past couple of months, I would say my perceptions of evolution has  changed. I obviously new evolution was real and there was evide...